Wednesday 14 September 2016

Favorite Gaming Console

My Favorite Console

My favorite consoles are the PS consoles, my favorite PS console is the PS2

The PS2 is my favorite console mostly because that was the console I grew up playing on. It’s also one of my favorites because a lot of games I enjoyed are on it, for example:

Disney’s The Haunted Mansion

Theme Park World

Crash Of The Titans

Sims 2

and many many more.
 Another good thing about the PS2 is it was backwords compatible so I could play all my old PS1 games that I still have, like:

The M&M’s Game, Tom And Jerry In House Trap, Tomb Rader and a lot more.

 I don’t really dislike any console but the one I like the least is the Xbox 360 mostly because I have always found it hard to navigate around the menus, all the games I knew on it were shooters and I cant play them because I fail so much, also you had to pay for online unlike on the PS3. A good thing about the Xbox 360 though is you get free games with Xbox Gold.

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